Friday, December 14, 2018

Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date:  December 17-21    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiply/divide with decimals- Test Friday
Writing: Informational writing- Continents report
Reading: Book clubs & figurative language- test Tuesday
Science: Earth’s systems
Social Studies: Geography- maps
Spelling/Vocabulary list: compensate, courteous, dedicate, kin, luxurious, major, minor, obsolete, pardon, seldom
Upcoming Dates:
Dec. 21: 2:20pm dismissal
Dec. 24-Jan. 4: Winter break
Jan. 7: Return to school
Jan. 21: No School

Classroom News:
·      Thanks to all who attended the special subjects open house. It’s always great to have parents visit the school and see what kinds of great things we are doing here!
·      Friday, Dec. 21st, we will have a winter/holiday celebration. Students may bring in a treat to share with the class.
Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L ____ Behavior needs work
                                                            ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments: