Friday, September 14, 2018


Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: September 10-14    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiplication & factors
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Vocabulary and making inferences
Science: Matter
Social Studies: American Revolution
Grammar: Verbs
Upcoming Dates:
Sept 21: SIP day/early dismissal
Oct 5 & 8: No school
Oct. 19: Ft. Massac field trip
Oct. 26: No School

Classroom News:
·      Don’t forget, homework is listed daily on the blog.
·      Thank you to all the families who came and dined with us at McTeacher’s night! We had lots of fun and raised money for our PBIS fund here at Lewis School.

Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L  ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments: