Friday, September 28, 2018


Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: September 24-28    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiplication
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Hatchet
Science: Matter
Social Studies: American Revolution
Grammar: Verbs
Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 2: Picture Day
Oct 5 & 8: No school
Oct. 19: Ft. Massac field trip
Oct. 26: No School

Classroom News:
·      Picture day is Tuesday, October 2nd. An order form was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder last Friday. You can also order online on the Lifetouch website.
·      Midterms will be sent home next Thursday.
·      We are going to Ft. Massac on Oct. 19 for a field trip. See the note sent home today for more info. We will need to know if your child is bringing a lunch from home or will be eating school sack lunch by Monday, Oct. 1.
Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L ____ Behavior needs work
                                                            ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments: