Friday, September 28, 2018


Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: September 24-28    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiplication
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Hatchet
Science: Matter
Social Studies: American Revolution
Grammar: Verbs
Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 2: Picture Day
Oct 5 & 8: No school
Oct. 19: Ft. Massac field trip
Oct. 26: No School

Classroom News:
·      Picture day is Tuesday, October 2nd. An order form was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder last Friday. You can also order online on the Lifetouch website.
·      Midterms will be sent home next Thursday.
·      We are going to Ft. Massac on Oct. 19 for a field trip. See the note sent home today for more info. We will need to know if your child is bringing a lunch from home or will be eating school sack lunch by Monday, Oct. 1.
Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L ____ Behavior needs work
                                                            ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments:

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Homework for 9-27-18

Math: wb 135-136

Writing: Finish your narrative

Reading: Hatchet setting drawing with three pieces of text proof

Social Studies: Colony study guide & test

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Homework for 9-26-18

Math: wb 129-130

Writing: Rewrite your narrative story using your story map- add more details about what the story really means, including actions, details, thoughts, and dialogue

Social Studies: Design your tea crate

Reading: Read a chapter of your book and give 3 details about the setting in your thoughtful logn

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Math- wb 23/24

Reading- survival story

Social Studies- Liberty's Kids & Boston Tea Party article

Monday, September 24, 2018

Homework for 9-24-18

Math- wb 117-118

Writing- Story map for narrative

Social Studies- Escape room- finish every page! 
                         Colony test

Moby Max sign in

Go to:

Moby Max

Enter your user name and password

Friday, September 21, 2018

Newsletter- paper copy was not sent home today

Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: September 17-21    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiplication
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Hatchet
Science: Matter
Social Studies: American Revolution
Grammar: Verbs
Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 2: Picture Day
Oct 5 & 8: No school
Oct. 19: Ft. Massac field trip
Oct. 26: No School

Classroom News:
·      Picture day is October 2nd. An order form was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder today.

Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L  ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments:

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Homework for 9-20-18

Reading: Paragraph and vocabulary word from Hatchet

DARE parent letter

Colony test/Paul Revere 

Early Dismissal Tomorrow (Friday)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Homework for 9-19-18

Math: wb 110- choose any 3 problems. You must show your work!

Social Studies: Colony test and study guide for those who haven't passed; also Paul Revere- write out first two stanzas if you haven't passed

DARE parent letter with signature

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Homework for 9-18-18

DARE parent letter- please sign and return

Math- wb 103/104

Reading- Story map for Frindle

Social Studies- colony test- look at map on p. 219 of social studies book if you lost your map

Friday, September 14, 2018


Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: September 10-14    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math: Multiplication & factors
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Vocabulary and making inferences
Science: Matter
Social Studies: American Revolution
Grammar: Verbs
Upcoming Dates:
Sept 21: SIP day/early dismissal
Oct 5 & 8: No school
Oct. 19: Ft. Massac field trip
Oct. 26: No School

Classroom News:
·      Don’t forget, homework is listed daily on the blog.
·      Thank you to all the families who came and dined with us at McTeacher’s night! We had lots of fun and raised money for our PBIS fund here at Lewis School.

Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L  ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments: