Thursday, August 30, 2018

Student Login to Readworks
Enter class code DBPPLD

Mrs. Jenkins will give you your temporary password. You can change it the first time you log in.

Homework for 8-30-18

Writing: one page narrative story

Math: Study multiplication facts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Homework for 8-29-18

Math: wb 33-34

Reading: Write a summary about your chapter book. Do this in the TL section of your reading notebook; quiz tomorrow.

Writing: Finish your one-page narrative about a topic of your choice. Do this in the writing section of your writing notebook.

Science: Comparing fingerprints ws; quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Homework for 8-28-18

Math: wb 27/28 (My Homework for lesson 3)

Reading: Write a summary about a chapter in a chapter book of your choice, using Someone Wanted But So then.

Social Studies: Quiz over "The world around us." 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Homework for August 27

Math: wb p. 19-20 (independent practice for lesson 1)

Writing: List five possible ideas for narrative stories, and write at least a page about one of them

Friday, August 24, 2018

Weekly newsletter

Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: August 20-24    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math:  Mad minute; place value
Writing: Narrative writing
Reading: Introduction to workshop model
Science: Studying fingerprints
Social Studies: Our world around us
Upcoming Dates:
Sept 21: SIP day/early dismissal
Oct 5 & 8: No school

Classroom News:
·      We have had a great first full week of school! We have been busy learning about the classroom and school, and taking benchmark assessments. Next week, daily homework should be more regular.
·      Daily homework will be posted on the blog. See the box to the right for more info. à
Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L  ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments:

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday Newsletter

Classroom News From Mrs. Jenkins
Date: August 15-17    457-2632 ext. 2257
What are we doing?
Math:  Mad minute; place value
Writing: Various writing activities to review writing skills
Reading: Introduction to workshop model
Science: Studying fingerprints
Social Studies: Our world around us
Upcoming Dates:
Sept 21: SIP day/early dismissal
Oct 5 & 8: No school

Classroom News:
·      Welcome to fifth grade at Lewis School! I’m so glad to have so many bright and eager faces in my classroom each day. I look forward to getting to know my students and parents this year!
·      This newsletter will come home on the last day of every week. It is yours to keep. If I don’t send home a newsletter, I will send a note home informing of this.
·      THANK YOU to all who sent class supplies! I know August can be an expensive time of year, and I appreciate your donations to keep our class supplied.
Our Classroom Blog
Visit our classroom blog to find:
*Daily homework
 and reminders
*Student work
*Helpful links
Weekly Behavior Note for: __________________
____ All work completed J                 ____ Met behavior expectations J
____ Had missing/incomplete work L  ____ Did not meet expectations L
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Missing assignments:

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Homework for 8-16-18

Students were given their student handbook/planner today. Please carefully read through the handbook with your child and sign the very first page. 

I will NOT be signing planners of each student every day. I try to give the students some more freedom at this age to self-monitor their planners and homework. However, if a parent requests a daily signature/note, I would be glad to do so. Also, if homework completion becomes a problem for a specific student, I may begin signing planners daily and requesting parent signatures on an individual student basis.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the fifth grade at Lewis School! My name is Mrs. Jenkins and I'm so happy to have a brand new class to share and learn with. I've been teaching 5th graders at Lewis School for 14 years, but I just know this is going to be the best year yet. I can't wait to get to know all of my students and their families, and get to know my new students' talents and personalities. If you want to know more about me, you can click the "About Me" button on the sidebar. Feel free to contact me at or 457-2632 if you have any questions or concerns.